Video of the introduction and presentation of "The CONSCIENCE project, results and outcomes", by Marcel Marchand (DELTARES, NL), CONSCIENCE project coordinator


  International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean ICCCM’2010, 11th -17th April , Estoril, PORTUGAL



CONSCIENCE Event: 12th April

Concepts and Science for Coastal Erosion Management – CONSCIENCE


Presentation of the project results: Guidance for coastal managers working on eroding coastlines.

The CONSCIENCE project, results and outcomes.
by Marcel Marchand (DELTARES, NL), CONSCIENCE project coordinator
Applying management frameworks: experiences from CONSCIENCE sites across Europe.
by Prof. Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla & Prof. J.A. Jiménez (CIIRC, Spain)
Experiences from an Irish coastal manager.
by Eamon Scanlan (Kerry Council, Ireland)

Other CONSCIENCE related presentations given at ICCCM10


Towards ‘Best Practice’ in Management of Mixed Shingle Barrier Beaches.
by Ian Thomas & Dr. James Sutherland

Making knowledge useful for sustainable coastline management.
by Marcel Marchand, Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla, Jeremy Gault, James Sutherland, Jan Mulder, Leo van Rijn, Wojciech Sulisz, Adrian Stanica, Jose Jimenez, …
Coastal State Indicators for Coastal Erosion.
by James Sutherland (HR Wallingford)

The role of episodic water level variations for the dynamics of Danube Delta coastal zone.
by Sebastian Dan and Adrian Stănică


A specific targeted research project under the
EU’s 6th Framework Programme for Research (FP6)